63 research outputs found

    The 50 years experience of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) use in West Syndrome: literatura review and UNIFESP protocol

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A eficácia do ACTH no tratamento da Síndrome de West (SW) é extensivamente debatida na literatura, o mesmo ocorrendo em relação às doses, efeitos colaterais e protocolos de utilização. OBJETIVO: Revisar, analisar criticamente e discutir os achados das publicações mais recentes e relevantes relacionadas ao uso do ACTH no tratamento da SW. METODOLOGIA: Pesquisou-se as bases de dados MEDLINE e PUBMED, utilizando-se as palavras-chave ACTH e WEST SYNDROME, período de 1997 a 2007. RESULTADOS: Foram obtidos 96 títulos no MEDLINE e 158 no PUBMED, e dentre eles foram selecionados 22 publicações. Outros trabalhos anteriores ao período avaliado mas que apresentavam relevância especial no contexto desta revisão também foram incluídos. CONCLUSÕES: Há evidências de que o ACTH provavelmente apresente eficácia maior no controle imediato dos espasmos e da hipsarritmia. Entretanto, não há evidências concretas desta superioridade no longo prazo (controle de crises a longo prazo e interrrupção ou prevenção de comprometimento do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor).INTRODUCTION: It is extensively discussed in the literature the efficacy of ACTH in West Syndrome (WS) as well, dosage, best protocols and side effects. OBJECTIVE: Analyze and discuss the most recent and relevant publication related to ACTH in patients with WS. METHODOLOGY: Literature publication was selected from MEDLINE and PUBMED between 1997 to 2007 using the following key words: "ACTH" and " West Syndrome". RESULTS: 96 titles were referral at medline and 158 at pubmed. 22 were selected and previous studies with special relevance were also included. CONCLUSIONS: There are evidences that ACTH probably has efficacy for immediately control of spasms and hypsarrhythmia. There is no evidence about the efficacy of ACTH in long term concerning seizures control and prevent delayed developmental)

    Epilepsy Surgery in Children

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    Morte súbita em uma criança com epilepsia: potenciais mecanismos cerebelares?

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    Epilepsy is the most common neurological disorder in humans. People with epilepsy are more likely to die prematurely than those without epilepsy, with the most common epilepsy-related category of death being sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). The central mechanisms underlying the fatal process remain unclear, but cardiac and respiratory mechanisms appear to be involved. Recently, cerebellar, thalamic, basal ganglia and limbic brain structures have been shown to be implicated in respiratory and cardiac rate regulation. We discuss here the potential mechanisms underlying the fatal process, with a description of cerebellar actions likely failing in that SUDEP process.Epilepsia é uma das doenças neurológicas mais comuns em seres humanos. Pessoas com epilepsia têm maior chance de morrer prematuramente do que pessoas sem epilepsia, sendo a principal causa de óbito a morte súbita em epilepsia (SUDEP). Os mecanismos centrais envolvidos neste processo fatal não são claros, mas mecanismos cardíacos e respiratórios parecem estar envolvidos. Recentemente, regiões cerebrais como o cerebelo, núcleos talâmicos, gânglios basais e estruturas límbicas foram relacionadas com a variação das frequências cardíaca e respiratória. Aqui, discutiremos potenciais mecanismos envolvidos na SUDEP, com uma descrição do possível papel do cerebelo na sua ocorrência

    Self-perception of factors that precipitate or inhibit seizures in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy

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    SummaryPurpose:To assess self-perception of factors that precipitate or inhibit seizures in patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME).Patients and methods:Thirty-six males and 39 females with JME and mean age of 25.8±8.7 years were analysed. All patients completed a standardized questionnaire to assess for the presence or absence of precipitant or inhibitory factors for their seizures in a face-to-face interview. These data were statistically analysed through logistic and linear regression models and Phi coefficient.Results:Ninety-two percent of the patients identified at least one precipitating factor (PF). In order of frequency the following PFs were recorded: stress (83%), sleep deprivation (77%), specific thoughts/mental concentration (23%), performance of hand activities and complex finger movements (20%), flashing lights and playing games (15%), speaking out in public (11%) and alcohol intake (11%), reading (7%), calculating and writing (5%), playing musical instruments (4%), drawing (3%), and specific types of music (1%). Menstrual cycle was the third most important PF in the women (33%). Although PFs were easily recognized, 77% of the patients stated that they were unable to avoid the occurrence of the seizures.Conclusions:Structured questionnaire is useful in stimulating patients to self-report seizure precipitants. Patients with higher education and uncontrolled seizures identified them more easily. The presence of a significant number of uncommon PFs, such as mental and motor hand tasks, considered uncommon for other epileptic syndromes, suggests that the role of these factors may be under-recognized in JME

    Intellectual functioning in pediatric patients with epilepsy: a comparison of medically controlled, medically uncontrolled and surgically controlled children

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    OBJETIVO: Comparar o quociente intelectual (QI) em três grupos de crianças com epilepsia: 1) controlados com medicação, 2) não controlados com medicação e 3) controlados com cirurgia. MÉTODOS: Noventa e oito pacientes pediátricos, com idades entre 6 e 12 anos, foram selecionados de dezembro de 2007 a julho de 2008. A Escala de Inteligência Wechsler para Crianças - terceira edição (WISC-III) foi utilizada para a avaliação neuropsicológica dos pacientes. Os resultados foram relacionados com a síndrome epiléptica, a etiologia da epilepsia, o tratamento medicamentoso, a idade do paciente no início da epilepsia e a duração da epilepsia. RESULTADOS: Os escores da WISC foram significativamente melhores no grupo controlado com medicação quando comparados aos do grupo não controlado com medicação. O grupo controlado com medicação obteve um desempenho significativamente melhor na maioria dos subtestes da WISC quando comparado ao grupo não controlado com medicação: vocabulário, aritmética, compreensão, memória de dígitos, completar figuras, arranjo de figuras e cubos. Um número significativamente maior de pacientes com epilepsia idiopática e uso de monoterapia foi observado no grupo controlado com medicação quando comparado ao grupo não controlado. O grupo controlado com cirurgia não apresentou diferença significativa no desempenho do QI quando comparado ao grupo controlado com medicação. CONCLUSÕES: As crianças com um bom controle de crises tiveram um melhor desempenho no QI geral, verbal e de execução quando comparadas às crianças com epilepsia refratária. Esses resultados podem ser influenciados por fatores clínicos como o uso de monoterapia, o tipo de droga antiepiléptica utilizada, a síndrome epiléptica e a etiologia da epilepsia. A cirurgia de epilepsia pode causar um impacto positivo no desempenho cognitivo das crianças que ficaram livres de crises após o procedimento cirúrgico.OBJECTIVE: To compare the intellectual coefficient (IQ) of three groups of children with epilepsy: 1) medically controlled, 2) medically uncontrolled and 3) surgically controlled. METHODS: From December 2007 until July 2008, 98 pediatric patients were selected, with an age range between 6 and 12 years. Neuropsychological assessment included the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - third edition (WISC-III). Results are related to epileptic syndrome, etiology of epilepsy, drug therapy, age at epilepsy onset and epilepsy duration. RESULTS: WISC scores were significantly better in the medically controlled group when compared to the medically uncontrolled group. The medically controlled group performed significantly better in the majority of the WISC subtests when compared to the medically uncontrolled group: vocabulary, arithmetic, comprehension, digit span, picture completion, picture arrangement, and block design. A significantly higher number of idiopathic epilepsy and monotherapy cases was observed in the medically controlled group when compared to the medically uncontrolled group. Surgically controlled children had no significant differences in IQ performance when compared to medically controlled children. CONCLUSIONS: Children with good seizure control have higher general, verbal and performed intelligence when compared to children with refractory epilepsy. These results may be influenced by clinical factors such as use of monotherapy, drug type and epileptic syndrome and etiology. Epilepsy surgery can have a positive impact on cognitive performance of children who were free of seizures after surgery

    Influência do ritmo circadiano na morte súbita inesperada em epilepsia

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    Universidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto Departamento de Neurologia, Psiquiatria e PsicologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de FisiologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Disciplina de Neurologia ExperimentalUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de FisiologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Disciplina de Neurologia ExperimentalSciEL

    Sudden unexpected death in an adolescent with epilepsy: All roads lead to the heart?

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    The incidence of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) has been estimated from 0.5-1.4/1,000 person-years in people with treated epilepsy, and 9/1,000 person-years in candidates for epilepsy surgery. Potential risk factors for SUDEP include: age, early onset of epilepsy, duration of epilepsy, uncontrolled seizures, seizure type and winter temperatures. The arrythmogenic side-effect of antiepileptic drugs and seizures may increase the risk of SUDEP. In this report, we describe a patient with prolonged post-ictal tachycardia in EEG video recordings with a typical case of SUDEP: a 16-year-old boy with medically intractable complex partial seizures. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed left mesial temporal sclerosis. During non-invasive video-EEG monitoring, the patient presented a post-ictal heart rate increased for five hours. Two months after video-EEG, he died from SUDEP during a tonic-clonic secondary generalized seizure. The possibility of cardiac involvement in the pathogenesis of SUDEP has been suggested by many studies. Evaluation of this patient with EEG-video monitoring, including measurement of heart rate, contributed to an identification of ictal tachycardia that may have played a role in the SUDEP. Premature mortality seems to be increased in patients with epilepsy, and cardiac abnormalities may be a possible cause of SUDEP. (Cardiol J 2011; 18, 2: 194-196

    Epileptologistas indicam a estimulação do nervo vago em crianças com epilepsia refratária: uma promessa contra a morte súbita em epilepsia

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    It is clear that sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is mainly a problem for people with refractory epilepsy, but our understanding of the best way to its prevention is still incomplete. Although the pharmacological treatments available for epilepsies have expanded, some antiepileptic drugs are still limited in clinical efficacy. In the present paper, we described an experience with vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) treatment by opening space and providing the opportunity to implement effective preventative maps to reduce the incidence of SUDEP in children and adolescents with refractory epilepsy

    Encefalite de Rasmussen: avaliação de resultados depois da cirurgia

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Rasmussen Encephalitis (RE) is characterized by intractable epilepsy, progressive hemiparesis and unilateral hemispheric atrophy. The progression of the symptoms usually occurs within months to few years. Antiepileptic drugs are usually not effective to control disease progression and epilepsy surgery in the form of hemispheric disconnection has been considered the treatment of choice. This work describes the clinical and electrographic analyses, as well as the post-operative evolution of patients with RE. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This work includes all the patients with RE evaluated from January 1995 to January 2008 by the Ribeirão Preto Epilepsy Surgery Program (CIREP) considering demographic data, interictal and ictal electroencephalographic (EEG) findings; anatomo-pathological findings and clinical outcome. RESULTS: Twenty-five patients were evaluated, thirteen were female. Mean age of epilepsy onset was 4.4±2.0 years. There were no differences between patients with slow and fast evolution with respect to age of epilepsy onset (p=0.79), age at surgery (p=0.24), duration of epilepsy (0.06), and follow-up (p=0.40). There were no correlations between the presence of bilateral EEG abnormalities or the absence of spikes and post-operative seizure outcome (p=0.06). Twenty-three patients underwent surgery. The mean follow-up was 75.3 months. Eleven patients had total seizure control. Twelve individuals persisted with seizures consisting of mild facial jerks (6 patients), occasional hemigeneralized tonic-clonic seizures (3 patients), and frequent tonic-clonic seizures (3 patients). Mental and language impairment was observed in 15 and 12 patients, after surgery, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: This retrospective study reported the clinical and electrographic analysis, as well as the evolution of 23 patients with RE. Fourteen patients achieved satisfactory seizure control, three patients had partial response to surgery, and five patients had maintenance of the pre-operative condition. All patients with left side involvement presented with some language and cognitive disturbance.INTRODUÇÃO E OBJETIVOS: A Encefalite de Rasmussen (ER) é caracterizada por epilepsia intratável, hemiparesia progressiva e atrofia hemisférica unilateral. A progressão dos sintomas geralmente ocorre em meses ou poucos anos. As drogas antiepilépticas são usualmente ineficazes no controle da progressão da doença e o tratamento cirúrgico, com desconexão hemisférica tem sido considerado o tratamento de escolha. Neste trabalho descreveremos os achados clínicos e eletrográficos, assim como a evolução pós-operatória de pacientes com ER. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: foram incluídos todos os pacientes com ER avaliados no período de janeiro de 1995 a janeiro de 2008, no Centro de Cirurgia de Epilepsia de Ribeirão Preto (CIREP), sendo considerados os dados demográficos, os achados do eletrencefalograma (EEG) interictal e ictal, resultado anatomo-patológico e o seguimento clínico. RESULTADOS: Vinte e cinco pacientes foram avaliados, 13 eram do sexo feminino. A idade média de início da epilepsia foi de 4.4±2.0 anos. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os pacientes com evolução lenta ou rápida considerando-se a idade de início da epilepsia (p=0,79), idade da cirurgia (p=0,24), duração da epilepsia (p=0,06) e tempo de seguimento (p=0,40). Não houve correlação entre a presença de alterações bilaterais ou ausência de descargas ao EEG e o seguimento pós-operatório (p=0,06). Vinte e três pacientes foram submetidos à cirurgia. O tempo médio de seguimento foi de 75,3 meses. Onze pacientes evoluíram com controle total das crises. Doze pacientes permaneceram com crises que consistiram de clonias faciais sutis (6 pacientes), crises tônico-clônicas hemigeneralizadas ocasionais (3 pacientes) ou crises tônico-clônicas frequentes (3 pacientes). Alterações cognitivas e de linguagem foram observadas em 15 e 12 pacientes após a cirurgia, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: este estudo retrospectivo relatou os achados clínicos, eletrográficos e a evolução de 23 pacientes. Controle satisfatório das crises foi obtido em 14 pacientes. Três pacientes tiveram resposta parcial com a cirurgia e cinco pacientes mantiveram o quadro pré-operatório. Todos os pacientes com envolvimento do hemisfério cerebral esquerdo evoluíram com distúrbio de linguagem e cognitivo.(FAEPA) USP - Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão PretoCNPqFAEP

    Sudden unexpected death in an adolescent with epilepsy: All roads lead to the heart?

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    The incidence of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) has been estimated from 0.5-1.4/1,000 person-years in people with treated epilepsy, and 9/1,000 person-years in candidates for epilepsy surgery. Potential risk factors for SUDEP include: age, early onset of epilepsy, duration of epilepsy, uncontrolled seizures, seizure type and winter temperatures. The arrythmogenic side-effect of antiepileptic drugs and seizures may increase the risk of SUDEP. In this report, we describe a patient with prolonged post-ictal tachycardia in EEG video recordings with a typical case of SUDEP: a 16-year-old boy with medically intractable complex partial seizures. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed left mesial temporal sclerosis. During non-invasive video-EEG monitoring, the patient presented a post-ictal heart rate increased for five hours. Two months after video-EEG, he died from SUDEP during a tonic-clonic secondary generalized seizure. The possibility of cardiac involvement in the pathogenesis of SUDEP has been suggested by many studies. Evaluation of this patient with EEG-video monitoring, including measurement of heart rate, contributed to an identification of ictal tachycardia that may have played a role in the SUDEP. Premature mortality seems to be increased in patients with epilepsy, and cardiac abnormalities may be a possible cause of SUDEP. (Cardiol J 2011; 18, 2: 194-196)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)INCT/MCTConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Univ Sao Paulo, Ctr Cirurgia Epilepsia, Dept Neurociencias & Ciencias Comportamento, Fac Med Ribeirao Preto,Ctr Cirurgia Epilepsia CIR, BR-14048900 Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Disciplina Neurol Expt, Escola Paulista Med UNIFESP EPM, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Fisiol, Escola Paulista Med UNIFESP EPM, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Disciplina Neurol Expt, Escola Paulista Med UNIFESP EPM, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Fisiol, Escola Paulista Med UNIFESP EPM, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc
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